Events News

Family Day


May 13th – Family Day

Another day reserved for the Guadalupe Family.

15th of May marks the International Day of the Family.

cia familia

This day was celebrated for the first time in 1994 and some of the objectives for its commemoration include the importance of the family as the basis for the education of children, the union, love and respect that are built in it, as well as raising awareness of their rights and responsibilities.
At our school, the welcome and interaction among everyone makes us a big family, the Guadalupe Family. Therefore, based on this premise, Saturday May 13th, we opened the doors of our school for an incredible morning between students, families, teachers and non-teaching staff.
The activity chosen to lighten up the day was a Peddy-Paper and, using new technologies, families discovered the challenges ahead of them. Between QRCode readings, games, paintings, dances, karaoke and lots of laughs, our morning was unforgettable and a reflection of the companionship, affection and respect that unites us and characterises us as an Educational Community.
We share with you all the first five winners of our enigmatic Peddy-Paper and a video illustrating this very special morning. We hope you enjoy it!
Click on the link Family Day





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R. Parque Natural do Alvão
2855-620 Corroios


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