O Colégio

Guadalupe Student

We intend the student at Colégio Guadalupe to become:

  • Responsible and respectful of the heterogeneity that characterises our societies;
  • Participative in class with questions, opinions and proposed topics in discussions, enriching them and expanding their ability to reflect and form their own views on a variety of subjects;
  • Co-operative, creative, enterprising and self-motivated, being organised;
  • Tech-savvy, constantly keeping up to date with new digital tools;
  • Flexible and easily adapted to new situations;
  • Autonomous but supportive and with a team spirit;
  • With a critical spirit but tolerant of the difference and uniqueness of each individual;
  • Attentive to social and environmental problems, being a promoter and defender of Universal Human Rights, Animal Rights, among others;
  • Promoter of culture and lifelong learning, among their peers, within the family and in their community.

News and Events

  Colégio Guadalupe had the honour of being invited by the British Embassy to attend the event promoted by Cambridge…
Science with Art

Science with Art

The Science with Art night is back, an event organised by the Departments of Experimental Sciences and Artistic Expressions. We…
National Final of the Computer Olympics

National Final of the Computer Olympics

Afonso Sancho,10th grade student, participated, on may 20th, in the National Final of the Computing Olympics, in the Faculty of…
JAP Digital Innovation Challeng

JAP Digital Innovation Challeng

Starting on May 15th, 12th grade students Inês Galvão, João Venes and Marta Nascimento developed a daily work in the…


R. Parque Natural do Alvão
2855-620 Corroios


*Chamada para a rede fixa nacional


(+351) 212 978 581*


Copyright Colégio de Guadalupe – 2025 .Todos os direitos reservados.

Registrations for the 2023/2024 school year are now open