
Dual Certification

Cambridge Assessment International Education

International Curriculum

Cambridge Education Assessment
A set of international education programmes and qualifications with a four-stage pathway from primary to secondary education.

Dual Certification – Cambridge International
The double certification, obtained through Cambridge Assessment International Education, is internationally recognised as a certification based on solid programmes, taught using innovative methods which constitute the path to learning in line with the challenges of the new era of globalisation and internationalisation of education. Students obtain National Curriculum Certification and Cambridge International Certification, which will provide them with valuable international references.

Dual Certification



The double certification course aim to provide students with high quality training that will enable them to apply to both national and foreign universities, increasing their chances of success in their future careers. Dual Certification provides a certification that is differentiated from the national certification, which allows the student to finish their studies with two certifications: that of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and that of Cambridge Assessment International Education.


Cambridge Checkpoints

Benchmark assessments of students’ performance, measuring their skills and highlighting the areas they have the best command of and those in which they have the most difficulties. They are assessed by Cambridge International.

There are two Cambridge Checkpoints:

  • “Primary – at the end of Year 4 (“Stage 5”)
  • “Lower Secondary – at the end of Year 8 (“Stage 9”)



“International General Certificate of Secondary Education” (IGCSE) is a two-year programme culminating in an exam, assessed and certified by Cambridge University examiners. With this certificate, students will be recognised all over the world.

Students obtain National Curriculum Certification and Cambridge International Certification, which will provide them with valuable international references.
dupla certificacao


There are four core subjects – Global English, Maths, Science and ICT – and a foundation subject – Global Perspectives

Designed for students of English as a second language, its teaching method is based on enquiry methodology, leading students to question and actively participate in their learning, promoting their creativity and building their confidence in communication.

Develops students’ mathematical thinking, both at the level of communication and language, so that they can question, understand, solve problems and reach solutions, using different techniques and strategies.

Students develop scientific and practical skills, as well as knowledge and understanding of science in the world, through project methodology, becoming able to make informed choices about environmental sustainability.

In a world dominated by technology, students acquire the tools and skills for greater digital literacy and citizenship, developing logical and computational thinking, deciphering codes and finding solutions to problems in different subject areas.

It seeks to develop students’ autonomy, critical thinking and civic awareness, working on different themes through challenges based on investigation, analysis, reflection, communication, evaluation and collaboration, making them full citizens.

Pedagogical director
Paula Freitas

Official Examination Coordinator
Karen Monteiro

Global English
Andrew Miranda
Elsa Machado
Karen Monteiro
Vinnie Fonseca

Carlos Duarte
Marisa Pedro
Mariana Almeida
Fiona Monteiro
Karen Monteiro
Vanessa Sequeira

Joana Cunha
Andrew Miranda
João Pereira
Vanessa Oliveira
Karen Monteiro
Fiona Monteiro

Elisa Viegas
Karen Monteiro
Vinnie Fonseca

Global Perspectives
Andrew Miranda
Elisa Viegas
Karen Monteiro
Fiona Monteiro

News e Events

  Colégio Guadalupe had the honour of being invited by the British Embassy to attend the event promoted by Cambridge…
Science with Art

Science with Art

The Science with Art night is back, an event organised by the Departments of Experimental Sciences and Artistic Expressions. We…
National Final of the Computer Olympics

National Final of the Computer Olympics

Afonso Sancho,10th grade student, participated, on may 20th, in the National Final of the Computing Olympics, in the Faculty of…


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