

Teaching and learning in the digital age

Colégio Guadalupe implemented digital teaching in September 2020, through the G-Learning project, with manifest and proven educational advantages at all levels of schooling, in the national and international curricula. Today the school is proud to be at the forefront of new technologies at the service of education.

The G-Learning project created and developed by a team of teachers in the technology area, and successfully monitored by all the students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the School, allowed, through specific training, the implementation of the digital transition of teaching, replacing traditional paper textbooks by digital textbooks inserted into tablets, for use in the classroom and/or in any other school context.

Considering the goals redefined in our educational project, introducing this modality of digital pedagogical content, at all levels of education, with a progressive introduction in primary school, has as its main working tool the Educational iPads.

The certification granted to Colégio Guadalupe by the Portuguese Section of the Foundation for Environmental Education, for the work developed in favour of the environment and its sustainability, presupposes the fulfilment of practices promoting an ecologically balanced environment as a credit to be preserved for future generations.

The introduction of new digital technologies is today a consolidated reality of our Educational Project, assumed by all in a positive and committed way, thinking of the students’ success and at the forefront of their educational and formative interests, as this is our highest priority.

An innovative and complete teaching tool that enhances involvement and knowledge.

The advantages of this face-to-face and digital model are, among others:

  • Diversified methodological strategies in response to the transformation of society in the digital age;
  • The student at the centre of learning with greater motivation, creativity and preparedness for any eventuality;
  • Technology at the service of teaching far beyond traditional school curricula;
  • More dynamic and interactive classes, with greater and regular stimulation of participation;
  • Despite the implementation of digital textbooks, all traditional educational activity, inherent to the physical and human presence, remains, as well as the use of the board, the notebook, drawing on paper and many other activities that promote and stimulate physical activity;
  • Greater ease and control by the teacher in distributing and collecting tasks that appear automatically on iPad devices;
  • The teacher’s role is even more crucial and central to the whole teaching/learning process;
  • Implementation of new educational trends: Problem Solving, Project Based Learning Process, Gamification, Learning Analytics, Adaptive Learning, Flipped Classroom;
  • Transformation of traditional teaching methods by giving students greater responsibility for their learning;
  • Freeing up the weight of backpacks by eliminating the daily load of books;
  • Reduction of expenditure on the purchase of school supplies during the school year.

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R. Parque Natural do Alvão
2855-620 Corroios


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(+351) 212 978 581*


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Registration for the 2025/26 school year is now open