

In preschool, the main goal is the overall development of the child. For that reason, our pedagogy is based on innovative active learning practices, which are based on careful observation to define goals, strategies, activities and the most appropriate materials to awaken children’s interest in discovery, leading them to explore their potentialities, valuing their individuality and different learning rhythms, stimulating their autonomy, tolerance, respect for others and themselves, and always aiming at success.

Based on these principles, our mission is to carry out transparent work, distinguished by rigour, in which each of us puts all our affection, commitment and dedication into this noble task of educating a child.


At Colégio Guadalupe, the Preschool Education Department is formed by educators Edite Rio, Lília Robalo, Mónica Lima, Teresa Martins and Sandra André, department coordinator and by assistants Andreia, Helena Alves, Isabel Planche, Inês Dias, Rafaela Sousa and Raquel Garcia.


Preschool involves activities that allow children to develop at their pace.
pré escolar

In a close relationship with families, we seek to educate our students in a happy and welcoming environment

Based on noble values, we provide indispensable tools for discovering new paths, to develop social cohesion, altruism and critical thinking.

Considering our reality, the curriculum is adapted to its context, attending to knowledge, skills, values and affections.

We strengthen the respect for children as unique beings, who need to develop their curiosity and live different experiences, which implies a distinguished pedagogy, centred on cooperation and articulated construction of knowledge, involving a global and integrated approach to the various areas to be considered.

Preschool projects

Our school has been investing in this methodology, as we consider it essential to develop communication strategies so that our students are prepared to overcome any obstacles that may cross their path.

Teaching children to develop skills for a balanced growth is one of our priorities and the main motivation for bringing this methodology into our classrooms.

This methodology is implemented in preschool classrooms, with children aged between 3 and 6 years old, as it is at this age that children start to become more aware of their actions and also of the presence of the dolls which, with their different personalities, can positively influence their growth process, helping them to accept differences and develop empathy for those facing adversity.
Children’s ability to believe at this stage allows them to experience unique moments of sharing, as well as providing communication tools that they can use throughout their lives.

At the moment, Colégio Guadalupe works this methodology with 4 dolls (Valeria, Tomé, Maria Eduarda and Carlos), all with a unique life story. The construction of their personalities has been elaborated by the educators who have wisely combined the needed features, which best benefit their students and the aims they want to achieve.

Current issues such as racial differences, difficulties with eating, aggressive behaviour, overweight, hyperactivity, physical differences, among others, are mentioned through this methodology, which helps to develop a different perspective and approach. In addition, the arrival of the dolls at school has also enriched the development of other projects, benefiting the learning path we have been following.



The main objective of this project is to provide children with direct contact (planting, watering, harvesting…) with Nature, promoting active learning and better ecological awareness.

From an early age, young children develop environmental awareness, bonding with nature, physical ability, emotional development and a sense of responsibility towards nature, creativity and playfulness.

The specific objectives are to:

  • To raise children’s awareness of environmental, health, healthy eating and quality of life issues;
  • Observe and explore the physical environment, focusing attention on plants;
    Identify the stages in the life cycle of plants, then distinguish the care they need, the products and usefulness obtained from them;
  • Assess the importance of plants for human beings, showing attitudes of respect and care;
  • Cultivate visual, tactile and olfactory perception using soil texture, moisture and smells;
  • Establish some relationships between the physical environment and plants;
  • Develop creativity in decorating the garden and making posters, pamphlets and markers/identifiers;
  • Develop maths skills by counting seeds, plants or fruit, comparing the size of the beds and the depth of the pits, and the weight of the fruit and vegetables obtained;
  • Promote autonomy;
  • Promote research in books and on the internet about vegetables, animals, plants, trees, recipes, soil, climate, food, tools and materials to be used and the rules of hygiene and safety;
  • Promote the reading of stories related to the garden and use the space as a reading and storytelling environment.A vegetable garden in Guadalupe

According to the Curricular Guidelines for Preschool Education, it is up to Preschool Education to create “conditions for the successful learning of all children, as it promotes their self-esteem and self-confidence and develops skills that allow each child to recognise their possibilities and progress”.

Mathematical concepts should be worked on in preschool, starting from the child’s spontaneous and playful activities, that is, taking advantage of the knowledge and experiences they have already acquired.

The diversity of materials to develop the same concepts through different means and processes stimulates mathematics learning. It is, therefore, possible to work mathematics with plenty of material, and the creativity you get from it is the most important thing.

Doc is a small robot that helps children stimulate curiosity and develop reasoning with playful activities based on Science, Technology and Maths. Children are introduced to the basics of coding in a gradual and fun way.

The robot can be programmed to follow routes, helping the child to improve their logic and problem-solving skills by stimulating their imagination and creativity. The child takes its first steps in the world of coding, and with the support of playing cards, simple logical associations for fun challenges emerge.

Discover Maths with DOC

“In art education, the educator’s intentionality is essential to develop children’s creativity, broadening and enriching a child’s symbolic representation and aesthetic sense through contact with various artistic manifestations…” (OCEPE, 2016)

It is fundamental to allow children to explore, manipulate, transform, create, observe and communicate, in order to provide them with diversified learning experiences and opportunities, broadening their spontaneous expression.

This project consists of an atelier aimed to explore different artistic expressions, promoting the importance of access to a wide range of materials and instruments.

Express Arte Project

Express Arte Project

Environmental education should not be treated as something distant from children’s everyday life but as an integral part of their lives. This project arises in the context of concern for the environment, thus making it possible to encourage the recycling of materials and the reduction of pollution in conjunction with knowledge and awareness about marine life… animals that live in the sea, their characteristics and their importance for the environment.

With the theme of the SEA as the foundation, children (preschool and primary school children) are invited to build animals, sea plants and boats with recyclable materials, using and making use of different materials, aiming to make the 3R policy known and put it into practice: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

As the African saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child”.

The ChildDiary platform is an essential and valuable tool, not only in the daily life of the educator but also in the child’s day-to-day life and how it is presented to the family.

The use of this platform is related to the need to create a closer relationship between the school and the family, as we consider it essential that the families of our students integrate the school life of their children so that the child’s development process happens healthily and positively.

Through ChildDiary, we have managed to optimise and simplify pedagogical practice since it allows us to record and share learning with families; record the children’s daily routines; share photos, videos and documents; manage rooms, children and staff better; send institutional messages; among other features that not only give us more time to dedicate to our children but also encourage families to participate in the school life of their children.

Phonological awareness is the knowledge that every one of us has about the sounds of our mother tongue, meaning that it is a skill that allows us to identify, manipulate and reflect on the sounds of speech. In other words, it is the ability to understand that language is formed by words, words by syllables, and syllables by phonemes (sounds).

Children with developed Phonological Awareness can identify and produce rhymes, say how many syllables each word contains or recognise words with the same sounds.

More specifically, Phonemic Awareness refers to the ability to focus on and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words.

Acquiring Phonemic Awareness is extremely important as it is the basis for developing spelling and word recognition and the formal learning of reading and writing.

Phonological awareness

News e Events

  Colégio Guadalupe had the honour of being invited by the British Embassy to attend the event promoted by Cambridge…
Science with Art

Science with Art

The Science with Art night is back, an event organised by the Departments of Experimental Sciences and Artistic Expressions. We…
National Final of the Computer Olympics

National Final of the Computer Olympics

Afonso Sancho,10th grade student, participated, on may 20th, in the National Final of the Computing Olympics, in the Faculty of…


R. Parque Natural do Alvão
2855-620 Corroios


*Chamada para a rede fixa nacional


(+351) 212 978 581*


Copyright Colégio de Guadalupe – 2025 .Todos os direitos reservados.

Registrations for the 2023/2024 school year are now open