
Psychology, Guidance and Counselling Service

The Psychology, Guidance and Counselling Office aims to accompany students throughout their academic path, participating in their global development process and the construction of their life project, having as references the profile of the 21st century student, in an inclusive education perspective.


Who can access the Office, and how?

  • Students
  • Parents/Educational Guardians
  • Classroom Directors/Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff
  • Other professionals working in liaison with the college


Responsible for the Psychology, Guidance and Counselling Office:
Dr. Ana Catarina Velez
Permanent Member of the Portuguese Psychologists Order.
Master in Psychology, Postgraduate in Evaluation and Psychological Intervention of Children and Teenagers. She is finishing her studies as a Psychotherapist for Children and Teenagers at the Portuguese Association for Behavioural, Cognitive and Integrative Therapies.

Focused on the student, their feelings, conflicts and perceptions, believing in their potential and capacity for growth.

At the same time, this service includes activities involving the school's teaching and non-teaching staff, parents and guardians.

  • Direct monitoring of students – observation and individual and group intervention;
    crisis intervention; support for students in their socialisation process and school integration.
  • Indirect monitoring of students – collaboration and articulation with educators/
    teachers in implementing methodologies and strategies for inclusion and learning.
  • Counselling/Consulting with parents/guardians; Teachers
    (Class Councils).
  • Awareness-raising and psychoeducation actions:
    During the school year, various activities are organised to meet the
    students’ needs, as well as to meet the requests of the class directors.

School Counselling

Individual school counselling sessions are designed to support our students in their emotional and social development. The intervention is time-limited through a solution-focused approach to the resources and abilities of our students. The aim is to reflect together on strategies that may lead to the successful resolution of the problem. These sessions do not replace a psychological follow-up process.


In times of Pandemic, it was necessary to strengthen the proximity with our students. Together with the school’s teaching staff, the Psychology, Guidance and Counselling Office created during January 2020/2021 school break several activities to minimise the impact of the moment we were experiencing.

In February 2022, we received the shocking news of the conflict in Ukraine. Our students shared their anguish about the news and the war-related content. o guarantee reliable information and to provide strategies that would allow the best management of the different feelings expressed, the Psychology, Guidance and Counselling Office, together with Professor Patrícia Costa, created an explanatory video.

We keep in touch

The Colégio Guadalupe ensures the continuity of the follow-up of our former students, both by the Psychology, Guidance and Counselling Office and the whole educational community.

  • Collaboration in the students’ eligibility for inclusive education through the planning and implementation of measures to support the students’ learning and inclusion in articulation with the teaching staff.
  • Collaboration in developing projects or actions that contribute positively to the pedagogical and/or relational quality of the school community.

Dynamisation of actions/programmes to empower students for the construction and balanced management of their life and career projects. Promoting self-knowledge in preparation for transitions along the educational pathway, as well as in decision-making processes.

Dynamisation of training sessions aimed at students, parents, teachers, and non-teaching staff, on various topics of interest, particularly those related to the educational and psychological area.

Participation in initiatives of the Portuguese Psychologists’ Association, congresses, district meetings between schools, and training courses in the Psychology field.

Orientation and supervision of master’s students in psychology in their academic internships.

News e Events

  Colégio Guadalupe had the honour of being invited by the British Embassy to attend the event promoted by Cambridge…
Science with Art

Science with Art

The Science with Art night is back, an event organised by the Departments of Experimental Sciences and Artistic Expressions. We…
National Final of the Computer Olympics

National Final of the Computer Olympics

Afonso Sancho,10th grade student, participated, on may 20th, in the National Final of the Computing Olympics, in the Faculty of…


R. Parque Natural do Alvão
2855-620 Corroios


*Chamada para a rede fixa nacional


(+351) 212 978 581*


Copyright Colégio de Guadalupe – 2025 .Todos os direitos reservados.

Registrations for the 2023/2024 school year are now open