
High School

At Colégio Guadalupe, we are committed to providing opportunities and a stimulating environment for students to achieve their goals, be bright in the future and happy with their choices and decisions.

We seek to stimulate the development of an academic, scientific, collaborative and entrepreneurial spirit. The acquisition of cognitive, technological, emotional and social skills, which will allow each student to integrate into a world that is increasingly changing, is a priority for this school cycle in this institution. Being the stage that presents itself as the “bridge” between Basic and Higher Education, it contributes actively and decisively to ensure that entry into Higher Education is complemented with cultural, scientific and technological baggage that facilitates the continuation of studies and the exercise of responsible citizenship, considering the need to understand problems and make informed decisions on issues that affect societies


high school


The school has the following educational offer at the Secondary level:

  • Science and Technology Course
  • Socio-Economic Sciences Course
  • Languages and Humanities Course
  • Visual Arts Course (New)


It includes a variety of instruments in which the students’ academic and social progress is assessed according to the General Assessment Criteria and the Specific Criteria defined for each subject area. This process and evaluation should provide the tools that allow the student to develop an exercise of critical reflection on himself, assuming a commitment to progress and personal growth.

High school is an exciting and challenging phase of our students' lives.

In high school, the assessment process promotes the certification of knowledge, skills, responsibility and autonomy. The School has a culture of assessment focused on continuous improvement and a reflective attitude.

The Study Labs Project was born from the need to develop our students’ personal organisation, autonomy and responsibility skills. The objectives involve improving school results, providing guidance and support in carrying out school tasks, clarifying questions about the programmatic content of the different curricular areas, and developing habits and methods of study, work and organisation. The Study Labs are open every day from 1:10 p.m. to 2:50 p.m in rooms allocated to each one of the subjects of the students’ curriculum.

Skills & Careers is a subject included in the curriculum of all Grade 12 students. In this subject, students are challenged by the Form Teacher, who is responsible for teaching this area, to work on areas as diverse as entrepreneurship, creativity, collaboration, emotional intelligence, autonomy and resilience, for example. Activities and research on career paths, national and foreign universities, and skills valued in the world of work are promoted and stimulated. Debate and discussion forums are organised by the students and teachers responsible, extended to the rest of their high school classmates, Inspirational Talks and lectures with entities, institutions and companies related to finishing high school/ entering University/ Gap Year and Volunteering.

The study plans of the courses include:

  • The general training component, common to the four courses, aims to contribute to the construction of the personal, social and cultural identity of young people
  • The specific training component aims to provide consistent scientific training in the area of the respective course

The general training component consists of the following subjects:

  • Portuguese
  • Foreign Language I, II or III (English)
  • Philosophy
  • Physical Education

The specific training component consists of the following:

  • A compulsory three-year subject ( grades 10, 11 and 12)
  • Two biennial subjects (10th and 11th years), to be chosen from the range of options (c) of each course, both being compulsorily linked to the nature of the course
  • Two annual subjects (12th year), to be chosen among the options of each course, with one being compulsory from the range of options (d), and the other subject in the range of options (d) or from the range of options (e)
  • Options (d) – set of subjects directly linked to the nature of the course Options (e) – set of disciplines linked to different areas of knowledge

Science and Technology Course | Directorate-General for Education (

Socio-economic Sciences Course | Directorate-General for Education (

Socio-economic Sciences Course | Directorate-General for Education (

Visual Arts Course | Directorate-General for Education (

The Experimental Sciences department has thirteen teachers in the areas of natural sciences and physics and chemistry. Its guiding principles are to stimulate interest in science, scientific research and experimental work among students at various educational levels.

It is a department that is highly committed to teamwork and proactivity, contributing to the internal dynamics of the College and the College’s participation in national and international projects and activities. It organises participation in projects such as Cansat, OSOS, among others, and study trips to science centres, universities and research laboratories such as CERN. It regularly promotes activities with the other School departments to broaden the students’ scientific skills in the different cycles.

In our three laboratories, teachers work in formal and informal science teaching, developing analysis and interpretation skills, critical thinking and teamwork.

News e Events

  Colégio Guadalupe had the honour of being invited by the British Embassy to attend the event promoted by Cambridge…
Science with Art

Science with Art

The Science with Art night is back, an event organised by the Departments of Experimental Sciences and Artistic Expressions. We…
National Final of the Computer Olympics

National Final of the Computer Olympics

Afonso Sancho,10th grade student, participated, on may 20th, in the National Final of the Computing Olympics, in the Faculty of…


R. Parque Natural do Alvão
2855-620 Corroios


*Chamada para a rede fixa nacional


(+351) 212 978 581*


Copyright Colégio de Guadalupe – 2025 .Todos os direitos reservados.

Registration for the 2025/26 school year is now open