Atividades extra curriculares


Child development

The child’s global development is sequential and cumulative, sustained by lived experiences that will contribute to a solid motor repertoire. Thus, childhood is understood as a crucial period to the development of physical abilities and fundamental psychomotor learning, extending this period until the age which coincides with the end of the 1st cycle of primary education.


Physical exercise during childhood leads to several benefits in development (social, cognitive and motor), in the medium and long term, such as a decrease in fat mass, a reduction in risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and type II diabetes and also psychological benefits (psychological well-being, improved self-esteem, reduced anxiety and depression) and several studies reveal that children nd adolescents who are physically active are less likely to become sedentary in adulthood.

Swimming during childhood is a harmonious physical exercise that contributes to the child’s development and, at the same time, reduces the risk of drowning.

Swimming promotes neuromuscular development and the functional capacity of the respiratory and cardiovascular system and has coadjuvant effects at different levels: attenuation of behavioural and sleep disorders, anorexia, neuro-psychomotor development deficits, hypotonia, orthopaedic, neurological,and respiratory disorders.

The quality of swimming teaching depends on several factors, namely those that directly influence the organisation and determine its efficiency, to which the Colégio Guadalupe Swimming School is particularly attentive:

  1. Teachers are sensitive to the individual development of each child as it is a determining factor for excellence in teaching;
  2. Excellent quality, well-preserved teaching materials that allow for a variety of stimuli in the classroom;
  3. The weekly frequency that the Swimming School recommends is twice a week from ages 3 to 10 so that the goals set for a season can be met according to the individual rhythm of each child;
  4. The swimming pool space is dedicated to the class, so there are no other groups simultaneously which allows all the students in the pool to be in constant practice and enjoy the entire classtime.


AMA | Monday & Wednesday | 4:40 pm

INICI | Tuesdays and Thursdays | 4:40 pm

N1/N2 | Tuesdays and Thursdays | 4:40 pm

N3/N4 | Tuesdays and Thursdays | 5 pm

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Science with Art

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National Final of the Computer Olympics

Afonso Sancho,10th grade student, participated, on may 20th, in the National Final of the Computing Olympics, in the Faculty of…


R. Parque Natural do Alvão
2855-620 Corroios


*Chamada para a rede fixa nacional


(+351) 212 978 581*


Copyright Colégio de Guadalupe – 2025 .Todos os direitos reservados.

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